13 Sep 2018

Existing connection between wiretapping and Russian prankster’s calls according to the expert

Russian pranksters were trying to find out more details concerning Armenian revolution.


Wiretapping of NSS and SIS Heads was preceded by calls of Russian pranksters to European officials in the name of Prime Minister Pashinyan. Are these cases related to each other? According to the expert of Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs Armen Vardanyan, they are connected. "The latest recordings appeared on Internet show us that it is the work of Russian special services. Such powerful technologies are owned only by special services of world superpowers,-notes Vardanyan.

As for the phone calls of Russian pranksters, Vardanyan notes that these cases have not become a subject of serious investigations in Armenia. "They turned it into humor instead of investigating to find out the circumstances of the case'',-says expert. As he mentions, these phone calls were not just ordinary calls. According to him, Russian pranksters were trying to find out more details concerning revolution. "In other words, from the very beginning Russia had doubts concerning of interference of West in Armenian Velvet Revolution. And In the recent wiretapping Vanetsyan seems to confirm it talking about his recent reconciliation with Russians" ,- says Vardanyan.

See details in the program "Paradigm".